Are You Ready To Quit Smoking?
To have the best chance of quitting successfully, you need to know what you’re up against, what your options are, and where to go for...

What Does Your Self-Talk Look Like?
A lot of the time our minds are running so fast with self-talk that we are not even aware of it – this is because it is happening too...

What is a Phobia?
A phobia is an irrational fear, a kind of anxiety disorder in which the individual has a relentless dread of a situation, living...

5 Steps To Achieving That Goal You Want in Life
Most of us have some sort of goal in life that we want to achieve one day, don’t we? I’m sure you have something that you really want to...

Do You Really Want to Keep That New Year's Resolution?
Why do we often seem to fail with our New Year’s Resolutions? “I have no willpower”, do I hear you say? There is no reason why you...

Feeling Stressed with Christmas Coming Up? Relax.......we have a Gift for You!
You may ask how a joyful season can be so stressful, well for many people it can. We start to label ourselves as being ‘highly strung’...

Have you ever tried hypnosis? Are you just a little bit curious about it? Everyone wants to improve their quality of life, right? ...

How to Get Over Your Ex (And Feel Better About Your Future)
Have you ever had difficulty getting over an ex partner? Have you felt that the memories of an ex partner are holding you back from...

Does Hypnosis Really Work?
At last, it’s official. Hypnosis really does work – and it has an impact on the brain which can be measured scientifically, according to...

How Can A Pleasant Experience Resolve An Issue For You?
Would you like to go back to a particular holiday or event where you had a safe and totally enjoyable experience? Would you like to be...